Friday, October 23, 2009

How to change the opacity?

What is an Opacity?

The opacity refers to the amount of transparency of a layer. So, if the opacity is at 100% the layer is completely opaque.

Whereas if the opacity is at 0% the layer will be transparent, which will mean you can see the layer below.

How to change the Opacity?

You can change the opacity simply by moving the slider to right or left which is shown in that below picture.

If you want to increase the Opacity then you should move that slider to the right and if you want to decrease the Opacity of the layer then move to left and vice versa.

Example to show the Opacity of an image

The image shown below is at the opacity of 100% which is the default value.

The image shown below is at the opacity of 75% ,as you can see the image look transparent.

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